Orange Obviously

Clóda Scanlon, Irish Lifestyle, Travel, Styling, and Spiritual Creator

Thursday, 30 September 2021

Hey there stranger!

Well hello hello hello stranger.. It's only been 2 years since I last wrote on Orange Obviously! 😂 There have been many many times that I've considered returning back to this corner of the internet but I guess you could say that social media, and more importantly, Instagram stole my heart. 

I love social media as much as the next but isn't it it kind of sad to think it killed a lot of the blogs, which is really where it all began for a lot of us creators.

I often wondered to myself should I remove my blog from the internet, but instead I've unpublished most of the posts - so you could say it's like a clean slate and making room for a new chapter of writing.

The kind of content I can really see being useful for people to turn to on Orange Obviously (the blog), is travel content, Irish activities, things to do etc. and so that is what it will be used for in the short-term. If it expands, it expands - let's see where this goes shall we?

As always,



Thursday, 1 February 2018


Hey everyone, sorry I missed last week's blog post - I had the craziest week!

But as you can tell from today's title - I have news!!!!

My Erasmus Location Revealed....

Firstly my Erasmus location was supposed to be announced yesterday.
 So I waited by the phone all day, constantly refreshing my email, checking the notice board in the Italian Department etc.
The whole day passed - not an email in sight so my hopes of finding out yesterday were completely shattered and I gave up looking at the phone.

Then last night I was walking home, headphones in, spotify on full blast - you know yourself. And my phone vibrated. (Bare in mind it was 3 minutes to midnight hahah they were cutting it so fine).
 It was an email with the subject of "Italian Erasmus Placements 2018".. 

Well my heart never beat so fast.

 So here I was, stood still in the freezing cold in the middle of College Road trying to open my email, and BAM - no signal!!! Like what were the chances?
Oh my god I was freaking out pacing up and down the road like a crazy person trying to get signal. 

Eventually it loaded and I was so scared to actually look at it..
Like if it wasn't Rome I was gonna cry.
And if it was Rome I was also gonna cry..
(Earlier that day I  happened to look at my phone at 11:11 and wished with everything I had that I would get my place in Rome)

So I opened the email, absolutely shaking, found my name on the list and ran my hand along the screen to find which university I got. I legit screamed on the street.

The shock of my life!! I envisioned it so much and so often and it actually by some chance came true - I got my dream city!!
I'm going to be spending a year living and studying in the incredible city of Roma and I truly couldn't be more excited!!!

^^ Picture credit: taken by my fab friend Ciara - check out her blog

I just can't believe it. In September I'll be heading off on the most exciting year of my life in my dream city, my No.1 choice.. I'm just so so so thrilled. I really can't express my excitement right now!

I've been talking about it so much and everyone has been asking me for updates. Even a girl in the student centre earlier told me she followed me on Instagram and asked if I had found out my Erasmus location yet (what a sweetheart) and she made my day!!

Starting now I cannot waaaaaaait to share my Erasmus journey with you all - from blog posts, video diary's, travels around mainland Europe, countless aesthetically pleasing Instagram posts, waaaay too much consumption of pizza and gelato!! It's so exciting..

And I get to celebrate tonight cos I'm going to Arts Ball!!

So that's it.. That's my amazing Thursday update!!
Sending you all good luck if you're waiting to hear placement and Erasmus offers soon!

Have the best weekend!!!
Clóda :) X  

Wednesday, 1 November 2017

5 Tips on Trying To Find A Balance

Happy November 1st everyone... You know what that means. It's totally acceptable to play Christmas music, talk about Christmas, start planning for Christmas etc.

Image may contain: 2 people, people standing and text

Wow, so I haven't posted on my blog in 2 months. That makes me the worst blogger in the world right? Wrong.
I beat myself up so much in my own head for not blogging more frequently or for the lack of postings and publishings across my social media. I assume people will deem me lazy, inconsistent or just a bad blogger who can't even do the one thing she loves. When really these are all silly thoughts in my own head. Perhaps they are feelings of guilt for not posting or just generally wishing I had more hours in the day to do all of the things I love.
I have to remember that while I love blogging and everything it has done for me, it is a hobby at the end of the day!
Life has taken over. 
2nd year of college has taken over.
Socialising has taken over.
Being a part of societies on campus has taken over.
They name just a few of the things which have occupied my time in the last 2 months! 

I have always lived a crazy-busy/hectic lifestyle and I wouldn't have it any other way. 
I've always kept busy. Since I was a child I've been a dabbler and thrown my hand to anything that seems interesting. You name it, I've tried most hobbies and pastimes at one point or another.
That's just in me, it's a part of me. I'm a lover of life and always seek more.
I always try to see what I can get out of life and how far I can push the limits.

Although I do take on a lot, at what point does it become too much?
I had to question myself a few weeks ago - am I actually being productive??

I was doing more socialising than actually taking care of my responsibilities.
Late nights means late mornings and low concentration levels in lectures.
I wasn't looking after my skin or listening to my body.
I stopped making extra time for things I love like blogging, creating content and even going to the gym!

Put all of that into the mix + the feeling of guilt for not blogging +  making time for family and friends - and of course me time!!
It came to the point where I had so much to do that I did nothing at all, and there's no way that's productive or a way to live your life!!

So I decided to make little changes. I'm still working on them and will be for a while, but I'm going to quickly share 5 things I've been doing while trying to find a balance.

(1) Prioritise

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One of the biggest things I've learned is how crucial it is to prioritise. While it's all well and good to enjoy turning 21 and being back to college lifestyle, I had to decide what my actual priorities were. Is going on nights out for the craic more important than my responsibilities/deadlines/uncompleted tasks??
Occasionally yes, but once or twice a week just can't happen until I get my life back on track haha!
At the end of the semester, will I be happier for having gone on a load of nights out and ignoring what I really had to do - or happier that I at least gave my studies & responsibilities my best shot?!

(2) Take care of yourself

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It's great to take on a load of activities, but check in with yourself and see if you're actually OK. Luckily enough, up until this week I hadn't really been stressing! I am now because I feel everything is catching up on me. I'm gonna try some downtime and meditation before I go to sleep and I hope it will make some difference.

The little things like actually looking after my skin have totally gone out the window! I was removing my makeup with wipes most nights because I was shattered and just wanted to fall into the bed. I was ruining my skin. So I'm making conscious decisions to cleanse my face properly and moisturize. (Future me will be thankful).

I felt kind of messy going around campus in a tracksuit, no makeup and wet hair all the time, which isn't always a bad thing. But it's nice to feel nice going from lecture to lecture so I've again made conscious choices to get up a bit earlier, pick out a nice outfit and put on a bit of makeup!
It's a small thing, but this week I've instantly felt that little bit better being more done up!

It's been hard to make as much time for the gym as I usually do, but it's so important to keep up a healthy lifestyle when you're very busy. You can't have one without the other. Meal prep and scheduling time for exercise is the key but now I just need to implement that into my lifestyle!

Also sleeeeep. How many times have you read that one? It's so true. I'm such a night owl but this past week I've been in bed before 12pm. I'm so fresh and ready for the next day and it gives me the extra time in the mornings to get done up and ready for college - hense feeling better about myself.
I'm starting to see that everything has a domino effect!

(3) Stay Positive

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When possible, stay as positive as you can.
Things can get too much at times, and things will probably go wrong at one point or another. But the important part is how you react to the stuff life throws at you!
Try to keep going, keep smiling and stay enthusiastic.
If you act negative, you attract negativity.
If you act positive, you attract positivity. Simples.
 Things always have a way of working themselves out.
Keep your chin up, keep the end goal in sight and stay positive :)

(4) To-Do Lists & Diaries

Image result for to do list
Stationary should be your best friend!!!
It's nice to take notes on your phone, but you can't beat the magic of putting pen to paper.
I would be lost without my daily planner. It was only €2 in Dealz back in January, but it is my life!!
It's such a simple idea to keep a planner and schedule your days. With everything else going on, you can forget things like taking a call, going to a meeting, or grabbing a coffee with a friend. 
On top of that a To-Do list is essential. Whether it's a daily list or a weekly one it's a great way to keep on top of things and get your jobs done!
I don't know if it's just me, but I get such a sense of pride and productivity when I tick something off my list and get everything in done!

(5) Watch motivational videos

You know those videos you see on Facebook of people giving motivational speeches and talks and you might think it's all a bit spoofy?? Next time, really truly listen to what they are saying!
They motivate me so so much and definitely boost my mood when things start to fall apart or I struggle to balance everything.
Gary Vaynerchuck has to be one of the best motivational speakers I've ever listened to!
One video/story/message that resonates with you can totally shift your outlook on the day ahead and in turn, potentially change your life.

Thanks so much for reading. I hope you were able to take something from this post and that it will help you in some way.

Much love,


Tuesday, 15 August 2017

Why Everyone Should Take A Year Out

Hey everyone, happy Tuesday!
With this year's Leaving Cert results coming out tomorrow, it has me thinking back to 2 years ago when I was in the same position and worried about my future!
First of all, the Leaving Cert is very important but know that it is not the most important thing in the world!

Throughout 6th year I had it in my head that I was going to take a year out! I didn't know what I wanted to do, and I also wanted to make money before heading to college. I had my doubts at the start, but when I look back, it was so worthwhile!

I often get questions asking if taking a year out was a good decision - usually from people who are on the fence about it! All I can say is, if it is itching at you at all to take a year out - absolutely 100% do it!! If you think about it, 1 year is very short and goes very quickly. There is literally no harm in one year's break! You've been in school for like 15 years now, so if college isn't for you at the moment, that's totally normal!

So why should you take  a year out?

You're Unsure About Your Choices

Were you like me and filled out the CAO but knew deep down you hadn't a clue what you wanted to do or if that course would even suit you? You just did it because it's the done thing to do during 6th year! If you really don't know what you would like to do or if you're unsure about college, gap years are fantastic options. You could get work or experience in the field that interests you and see if it's for you? Trial and error will become your best friend in the next few years!

Don't follow your friends!!!

Year after year, people decide on a college or course based on what their friends are doing! Please don't let this be the sole reason why you choose a college! I know it's daunting but you should NEVER base any major life decisions on what your friends are doing! Fact of the matter is, they will still always be your friends but you have to learn to live independently! Plus, it's important to branch out and make new friends too - how else are you going to experience the world and experience other cultures! When you move on from the secondary school phase you will realise that essentially you rely on yourself for a lot of things!

Improve Something or Learn Something

Often, people will take a gap year as a time to get better at something they already do - whether that is a talent, hobby, sport etc. It's finally a time where you have very little commitments. Use this time wisely to perfect that hobby or to immerse yourself in something new.
Get fit, join a club, audition for a musical.
Do the things you've always wanted to do but never really had time for. Set goals for the year ahead and enjoy it as you overcome challenges to reach that goal!

Make some €€€€€

Up until the now only jobs you've probably ever had were weekend jobs, part-time jobs or summer jobs and you blew all your wages on the sesh at the weekends or on Penneys etc. haha!
Other than that, I imagine your main source of income would have been your parents! 
One of the reasons why I really wanted to take a year out was to make some money OF MY OWN!
I lived rent free at home, food on the table, had my own job and made my own money which meant I could spend independently and began to be more careful with money as it was my own and it was hard earned! Then when you save up enough money, you can treat yourself. Was there a designer handbag you always wanted? Do you want to set yourself up with a car and get driving?
Chances are you probably couldn't afford it all if you went straight to college!


Whether it's buying yourself a weekend  away in Kerry, or off for a week in the sun, or even exploring a new continent - this is your time! You can save up for the year by working hard and rewarding yourself with a holiday at the end of the year! I caught the travel bug last year and believe me when I say it's an incurable sickness!! Work hard and then play hard!

My Year Out

With all of those reasons in mind, I'm going to tell you my story!
As I previously mentioned I had always planned on taking a year out of study after 6th year so it didn't come as a shock to me or anyone around me when I declined my CAO offer!

This wasn't going to be a year of laziness for me! I wanted to immerse myself in every single thing possible! I wanted to have the most jam-packed, exciting year of my life - But how would I do that? I started to plan plan plan.

What did I do?

I set up interviews and applied everywhere for jobs, and thankfully got one in a local ladies clothes shop! It couldn't have suited me more! Also, I thought I wouldn't go completely without education and auditioned to be in a part-time music course in BIMM Dublin! Surely enough I got accepted! So I worked in the shop during the week and got the train up to Dublin every Friday to attend my course!
This was fantastic because I had the best of both worlds. I was working in my first ever real job while also studying Vocals, which I loved!

I immersed myself.. in Everything!!

Well this would be typical of me anyway! I am such a dabbler and I'll turn my hand to most things and I'm not afraid to try new things! From the get-go, I was already looking for ways to improve myself and improve my blog. 
In September 2015, my friends all headed off to college, while I was heading off to London to be a part of Outbox Incubator. Because of my blog I was one of 200 girls across UK, Ireland and Europe to come and stay in a house in London with other girls interested in STEM (Science, Tech, Engineering, Maths). I spent a week in a house in London with other amazing young women. It was a huge step in getting my blog off the ground and one of my first ventures as a blogger!

It wasn't all easy sailing..

At first I found it so strange to be working and having actual adult responsibilities while I watched all my friends go out all the time and live the college lifestyle! I quickly pulled myself out of that nonsense though and realised the opportunity I had to have a really incredible year that I couldn't have if I was in full-time education! I knew my time would come.

Although it was probably one of the greatest years of my life, I also went through some of the roughest patches I've ever been through! Only for the fact that I was on a year out, I don't know what I would have done! I wouldn't have coped properly had I been in college!
Within the space of 2 months, I went through a break-up, my best friend died, and I found out that the shop I was working for was closing down!! It seemed to be just one thing after another! But they say that things come in 3's so I knew it actually couldn't have gotten worse! And thankfully it didn't. It was a rough start to 2017 and to be honest it probably took me about half the year to recover from.
The reason why it got better was because I forced the situation to get better. I couldn't just let myself fall into grief and pain forever.
I became selfish, in a good way. I began to do things for me! I would put my own feelings first before others for once. In the least cockiest way, I started to revolve my whole world around me and I built up my world. I bought myself nice things, I got my nails done every month, I bought the camera of my dreams.. AND I bought myself a holiday to New York!! (But we will get to that)

I fundraised for charity..

After much self-healing and lots of time, I decided to get out of my own bubble and give to others. I began a fundraiser for charity. I climbed Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa and raised over €5000 for the Irish Cancer Society! It was an incredible feeling giving to such a great cause and to see people in my parish being so supportive of the cause!
I did all my fundraisers throughout my year out and in October, only a few weeks into college, I summited Kilimanjaro with 20 other Irish people.
It was not only physically, but mentally excruciating. But the views, the craic, the people I met, the journey made it all worth it. And knowing at the back of it all that the charity would benefit! It was just a once in a lifetime achievement for me. My proudest moment to date!

I travelled to New  York!!

I remember the day I booked the flights to New York. It was during the time that everything got really hectic/eventful and I just thought, I have to do this!!
My friend Philip was living there at the time, so I knew I had someone to stay with!
And so I did it. Aged 19, no regrets, on the plane to New York alone.
I knew I would love it, but I never realised that when I stepped on that Aer Lingus plane that my perspective on so many things would change forever.
I learned more about myself in those 3 weeks than in my whole life. It's such a powerful thing - spending time by yourself. Travelling halfway across the world by yourself. 
I walked the avenues of New York and went to all the sites, for most parts, alone. I had nobody to rely on, nobody to answer to. I could just be me in this big crazy city! For the first time in months I was really truly happy. I felt so free. I was so tiny in this huge city and I loved it. I loved the buzz. The people. The lights. It was everything I imagined New York would be, and it was exactly what I needed!

I 100% caught the travel bug when I stepped on that plane and now I can not stop thinking about travelling the world and experiencing everything! 
The confidence, and the light and the strength that grew in me when I was in New York is still standing to me today, 14 months later. I will never forget what New York did for me. I genuinely believe I am a different person because of that trip.  I feel like I can do anything and go anywhere. It was unforgettable!

How did I turn out?

Honestly, taking a year out was the best decision I have ever made. I believe that timing is everything and everything happens for a reason.
I was soooo ready for college by the time it came around! I felt mature, capable and beyond excited to live in Cork city! I also got the time I needed to figure out what course I wanted to do, and where I wanted to go!
If you do take a year out, or even if you don't. Stop being afraid. Don't think that you're too young to travel. Don't feel like you can't push yourself to do all the things you dream of doing. Don't feel like you constantly have to have somebody by your side. You have GOT this!! Travel!! See the world! Meet new people! (There is truth in all those inspirational Insta quotes!)
Most importantly, begin to love yourself, cherish yourself. At the end of the day, the only person who you can guarantee to always be there for you is YOU!

Best of luck to everyone getting your results tomorrow!
Much Love,
Clóda X

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